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I am a practicing creative that has been in the business for over 20 years. My professional practice has been vastly diverse, working in print design, interactive media, and 3D visuals and animation. I participate on projects as project manager, designer, illustrator, programmer or writer, depending on what is on my plate at any one time. I am the creative who wears many hats.

Primarily through my business, Critical Fusion Interactive Media, I am involved in developing interactive and print based e-Learning resources. Alternate to that, I ply my time towards all facets of creating and delivery of story. This includes writing and storyboarding, illustration, and 3D modeling and animation.

On the go, I have; the Dark Matters Chronicles graphic novel, “State of Mind”, a children’s book, and other potential animated projects. These projects are at various stages of development and are willed into existence by myself, so they are efforts I partake in as personal goals rather than daily business.

With software, for 3D I use Maya, Lightwave, Zbrush, Bodypaint. Painted Illustration work is created using Manga Studio Pro, Corel Painter and Photoshop. Other media I use the Adobe CS6 suite which includes video production, Print design and layout, vector illustration, and web development and animation composition.